Alumni Spotlight

Don’t Stop Trying for Any Reason

Entrepreneurship: a word that I never really used or even knew what it meant. When people ask me what the biggest take away from my senior year in Florida was, my mind immediately goes back to my entrepreneurship class. When I arrived at North Broward a year ago, I first

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Viewing Obstacles as Opportunities

Growing up in a traditional education environment I was sheltered by the need for teacher guidelines and approval. Like many students in today’s schoolings, when given a task with no clear expectations, I was lost struggling for guidelines and the approval of others. As an extremely sensitive person, being thrown

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Achieving Incredible Outcomes

My name is Amy Ni and I am a person who has ideas every second. Being curious about everything in my life, I keep asking questions and I can always find problems that need to be solved or innovated. As an international student, the reason why I chose to study

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From Ideas to Action

I had the pleasure to take The Startup Studio’s Entrepreneurial Studies course at Windermere Prep during my sophomore year of high school. I was excited to be able to participate in this class because throughout my childhood I had always dreamed of being an entrepreneur and wanted to start my

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2021: Utilizing Failure as a Motivation

I used to see failure as the enemy; every thought jumped to the worst case scenario and it would often deter me from my ultimate goal. Repeatedly, I would find myself backing out of opportunities and not pushing myself because of this prominent fear. Fear of failure. However, something I

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Tackling Opportunities at a Young Age

I often find myself searching for opportunities to expand my knowledge in entrepreneurship and connections within this industry. Now, I know that this year has been extremely challenging because of the pandemic, but I feel that the excuse of the pandemic is limiting the opportunities for young entrepreneurs.

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The Power of Mentorship and Relationship Building

Being a new student at North Broward in the fall of 2020 was especially hard for me, since I had packed my bags and moved all the way to sunny Florida from a small town in New Jersey. While creating my schedule for the school year, I actually didn’t have

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The Ability to Start

The longing dream of becoming an entrepreneur has seemingly always been a part of me, but for the longest time, I didn’t know where to start. My story begins with watching Shark Tank as young as 6 years old and developing a passion for entrepreneurship. While Mr. Wonderful’s elaborate deals

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Gaining Confidence by Taking Risks

Since I was very young, I have been constantly trying to experience new things, but at the same time, I was extremely shy and scared with the idea of being exposed to new people in new environments. As soon as I moved schools from Brazil to Windermere Preparatory School, the

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Tough Lessons Bring Bright Futures

As I made my transition from middle school to high school, I still seemed lost and unsure about what direction I was heading in. That is, until I was introduced to Mr. Conroy and The Startup Studio program. The Startup Studio gave me a way to express myself through being

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